Chronic Pain Physiotherapy
Chronic Pain Physiotherapy
First things first, chronic pain is not permanent!
Chronic pain (better referred to now as persistent pain) is pain, tension, and/or functional limitations that someone has experienced for 12 weeks or longer. It can also include recurrent issues that return after

Once our bodies have experienced pain for an extended period of time, changes to our nervous system also occur. These can include nervous system sensitization (which can be thought of as the volume dial being turned up) and ‘learning’ of pain patterns. People may also develop apprehension, fear, and guarding against certain movements, positions, or situations. Factors including sleep quality, stress, and beliefs about our bodies and pain processes itself can contribute to these issues.
resolving, particularly if they recur without a significant injury or trigger. New areas of pain that start without apparent cause, particularly in the presence of other persisting pain areas, and pain that moves between areas of the body are also common with persistent pain mechanisms.
What persistent pain physiotherapy is:
Physiotherapy for persistent pain assesses and treats pain throughout the body that has not resolved within 12 weeks of onset or is a recurring issue. It considers any physical components contributing to the ongoing pain and also delves deeper to look at the other factors that cause pain to persist.
What it treats:
​Ongoing pain in the low back, hips, neck, etc
Ongoing or unresolved pain from motor vehicle accidents (MVAs)*
Pelvic and abdominal pain
Painful intercourse
Pain anywhere in the body that has persisted for 12 weeks or longer
How it's done:
At Centered In Health, a holistic, person-centered approach is used by applying a biopsychosocial model to assess and treat persistent pain.
This approach assesses the tissues (bio) along with psychological and social factors that contribute to pain and tension, as well as the ways that those factors interact within the body. Assessing the nervous system and the other contributing factors is done through a thorough discussion, self-report questionnaires, and a physical exam to assess movement, strength, nerve health, and nerve sensitivity.
All assessments and treatments are done in our private treatment space to allow the comfort and freedom to discuss sensitive concerns that may be impacting persistent pain.
Once the contributing factors are determined, an individualized treatment plan is created collaboratively which may include hands on techniques, home exercises, as well as other integral strategies including sleep hygiene, stress reduction, and nervous system retraining/remapping.
Who can benefit:
Centered in Health is skilled in treating persistent pain in:
women and men
children, youth, and adults
* at this time, we are able to support individuals after MVA's if in the 'out of protocol' period (after initial approved treatments complete and/or after initial 90 days since accident.